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“Our intent is the spark
Our commitment is the ember
Our actions are the new fires to be lit
We are all firekeepers
Together we can do great things
Together we can do this”
– Jisgang Nika Collison

Origin Story

Created through the friendship and commitment of the Haida Gwaii Museum and  Swiilawiid Sustainability Society, the original goal of Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire was to create a critical art exhibition focused on energy independence and human resilience in the face of climate change. The arrival of the pandemic caused us to reflect on additional community needs, and Hlk’yak’ii went from a single project focused on energy, to a long-term program designed to support Haida Gwaii’s transition to island independence!

Hlk’yak’ii supports Haida Gwaii’s transition back to its historic levels of food, water and energy independence through immersive language, arts and culture programming. Hlk’yak’ii prioritizes Haida values and knowledge systems while respecting and engaging western science and practices. Below are some of the projects we’ve accomplished. Check in regularly for new content, as we have several projects on the go! 

Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire links

Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire art exhibition Envisioning energy independence + human resilience in the face of climate change

Haida Independence & Sustainability Film Series Haida food creation, harvesting & preparation

Gardening & Gathering Tips  10 Things to Grow on Haida Gwaii introduction to gardening handbook – purchase HERE

Haawa thank you to the following that have invested in our future:

MakeWay Foundation

Canada Council for the Arts

The Cultural Conservancy Mino-Niibi Fund

First Peoples Cultural Council

Lush Cosmetics

Council of the Haida Nation

Glasswaters Foundation

Swift Foundation

Healthy Haidas

Created through the friendship and commitment of:


Contact us

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Membership Form

Suuda Ganunsid, ad gina waadluuxan gan yahguudang Xaayda Gwaay.yaay iiji. To inspire understanding and respect for all that Haida Gwaii is.

  • Membership allows unlimited access to the museum for one year.
  • 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop as well as consignment items and jewelry
  • Notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum.
  • Voting privileges.

By clicking this registration button you consent to receive email correspondence from the Haida Gwaii Museum. You can unsubscribe at any time following the unsubscribe link in our emails or by emailing For more information read our Privacy Policy.