#2 Second Beach Road
Skidegate, B.C. V0T 1S1
PHONE 250.559.4643
EMAIL adminassistant@haidagwaiimuseum.ca
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The museum’s collections span a wide array of archaeological, historical, and contemporary materials from Haida and post-contact environments on Haida Gwaii. The museum acquires, preserves, researches and presents Haida historical objects and archeological artifacts, art works, post-contact settlement materials, and natural history specimens connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii.
An outstanding representation of historic and contemporary Haida historical treasures, including internationally recognized art works; Haida fishing and hunting technology; potlatch and ceremonial regalia; monumental wood carving; wool, spruce root, and cedar bark weaving; and argillite carving.
Post-contact collections represent the trading era (1774- 1850); colonial settlement history, agriculture, mining, fishing, forestry, domestic life, folk art, and contemporary art.
Watercolour and ink on paper
Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas
Private Collection of Michael and Inna O’Brian
Photo: Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas
Our contemporary art program focuses on the activation of our collections, programming and education that provides exciting opportunities for artists and the greater community, professional development opportunities, and the facilitation of critical thinking in relation to the cultural, natural and supernatural world of Haida Gwaii and beyond.
The museum’s archives contain over 10,000 historical photographs of Haida Gwaii historical subjects and landscapes; audiovisual collections comprising more than 500 hours of recordings of Haida Elders, early Canadian settlers, and others with specialized knowledge of Haida Gwaii history and ecology; historical maps; diaries and journals; manuscripts and historical documents, and historical newspapers representing the post-contact era on Haida Gwaii.
Photo Credit: Haida, late 1800s
Haida Gwaii Museum
Photo Trevor Mills
This copper has been broken three times
Natural History collections contain a herbarium of Haida Gwaii plants; a comprehensive insect collection, an extensive representation of Haida Gwaii’s paleontology and geology, as well as an excellent collection of bird species. Natural history exhibits tell the story of several unique ecosystems on Haida Gwaii and incorporate natural history specimens, artifacts, commissioned art works and touchable items and underscore the interdependence of life forms, including the role of human beings.
The museum acts as the official repository for archaeological collections found on Haida Gwaii. Its collections include some of Canada’s earliest known artifacts: 13,000-year-old stone spear points, and the earliest known examples of weaving techniques found on Canada’s Pacific coast, and a comprehensive representation of the evolution of stone tool technology over a 10,000 year period comprising approximately 30,000 artifacts.