20 entries.
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:58 pm
1. I'm encouraged to see many other like-minded people working on this problem. I'm curious to explore energy efficiencies for my home and advocate to stop fossil fuel expansion.
2. When I turn on a light, I imagine the fires burning.and i think 0% diesel $ is the right thing to do.
3. Replace inefficient windows. Create art bin the context of climate energy. Normalize radical climate action.
*submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:53 pm
1. I am encouraged to see many other like-minded people working on this problem. I'm curious to explore energy efficiencies for my home and advocate to stop fossil fuel expansion.
2. When I turn on a light, I imagine the fires burning.
*submitted by in-house visitor*
Andria Turton
Daajing Giids
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:48 pm
Hlk'yak'ii will open my mind and my eyes to different methods of energy.I feel sad this beautiful island relies on diesel. It seems so contrary to what these islands are to activate the Haida Gwaii RED I can pass on to others importance, the need, the desire to rid Haida Gwaii of diesel. I can install solar panels on my home, I can co-ordinate my day to coincide with the natural light cycle that is to say- rise when the sunrises, go to bed when the sunsets.
I would feel relieved, satisfied if all diesel was terminated. My "anything else" comment is to suggest (annually) a walk from Daajing Giids to Old Massett= the cause or purpose to bring greater awareness on island that each of us can take streps, make adjustments- be the creator to achieve the diesel goal.
*submitted by in-house visitor*
Randy Picine
Salmon Arm
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:24 pm
I want to thank-you for helping me centre my thoughts on returning to the land. Food sources near my home. clean energy for transportation electricity, heat...
*submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:19 pm
Reading the description/artists note to 'Cognitive Dissonance' really opens my eyes. At this point, in 2021 we all know that collective action is absolutely needed to address the climate crisis, but collective action won't happen without individual commitment. The bright white 'ring of truth' in this art piece is what I have to remember and focus on/commit to. No more cognitive dissonance. There is too much at stake.
*submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
4:09 pm
Had not realized how dire the climate crisis is. Action [is] needed by all people to guide our government to the right action.
*submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
3:59 pm
1. We need to listen to the indigenous communities to help create a better environment for us and the animals.
2. Sadness,Happiness
3. Talk to others, learn more, reduce driving.
4. Tell my family about what I learned here, bike to school, research learn more about our role in school & policy.
5. Thank-you!
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
3:54 pm
Absolutely beautiful much love.
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 16/06/2022
3:49 pm
love the ideas <3
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:41 pm
- Grow a Garden
- Use my Ebike more
- Invest in an Audi Etron Q4
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:40 pm
I think this is another example of leadership by the Indigenous peoples in B.C. Well done.
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:38 pm
Very inspired, Thank you!
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:31 pm
Think about neuclear power generation
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:30 pm
Three thing I can do: Drive less, switch from baseboard heaters to heat pumps, fly less.
Travel is Culture!
Please stay home:)
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:22 pm
Bike more, Drive less. Turn off lights, wash in cold. Turn off computer & cell phones. Solar power. Stop clear cut. Grow own food. Irrigate from self well. Replace windows.
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:16 pm
Personally I live a nomadic life, this is a way for me to escape our social expectation of work 9-5, get a mortgage on a house, and spend 30 years paying it off. I strive not to be rich in money but rich in happiness, experience, friendship.
I often think about the gas I burn driving around the country but I calculated it and I burn less then I would living in an apartment. My goal has always been to find a place where I can live off grid and sustainable. It is beautiful that I see the people of Haida Gwaii wanting the same, not just for individuals but for everyone.
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
Vancouver Island
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:06 pm
Very Inspiring! Maybe Vancouver Island where I am from can be inspired to follow in your footsteps. Haawa for your leadership in taking real & positive action on the climate crisis.
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
wrote on 21/10/2021
2:03 pm
Switch to clean energy.
Water/Wind and solar.
Only concern are the used batteries at the end of their cycle. Where do the batteries go?
*Submitted by in-house visitor*
George Rammell
wrote on 29/09/2021
12:19 pm
This exhibition is very timely considering all the illegal infractions taking place by our government and courts. The violations of Indiginous laws and the use of extreme force on peaceful land & water defenders by police is unacceptable. I believe the silver lining on this social cloud is that many settler allies are experiencing what Indiginous people have encountered for over 150 years. As resources dwindle the state will intensify its defence of corporate extraction until there is a major groundswell of resistance from citizens who recognize that colonialism & ecocide is stealing our future.
Haida Gwaii Museum
wrote on 13/09/2021
3:08 pm
How did Hlk'yak'ii change your thinking about energy? What is a curiosity you are taking away today?
What feelings do you experience when you think about Haida Gwaii burning diesel to generate power? What sensations do you have when you picture Haida Gwaii becoming energy independent?
How can you turn Hlk'yak'ii into action? What are three things you can do to activate the Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Declaration?
Live elsewhere? How can you turn Hlk'yak'ii into action where you live? What are three things you can do to support the transition to renewable energy?