#2 Second Beach Road
Skidegate, B.C. V0T 1S1
PHONE 250.559.4643
EMAIL adminassistant@haidagwaiimuseum.ca
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The Haida Gwaii Museum works in consultation with the Haida community, including hereditary chiefs, elders, Council of the Haida Nation, Skidegate and Old Massett language programs, and the Haida Repatriation committees. The museum also has long-term partnerships with a number of agencies, including the Gwaii Haanas (Parks Canada and Council of the Haida Nation), the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society, Haida Heritage Centre, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, Northwest Community College, and the Skidegate Band Council.
We acknowledge the on-going financial assistance of the British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia and the North Coast Regional District.
iPads for Elders Program and Essential Workers Survey
& Island communities